New Don Bosco Fambul II, Sierra Leone
- Total Investment: 97.000 €
EKI Foundation has developed the second phase of electrification of the Don
Bosco Fambul complex that the Salesians of Don Bosco have built in Sierra
Leone, one hour from the capital Freetown. This phase consists of seven
buildings, including residences for more street children, schools, a cynic, two
water pumps and accommodation for a total of 150 people among beneficiary
children and Don Bosco staff.
- NGO; Salesians of Don Bosco Sierra Leone
- Service: Light, water, and electrical supply 24/7
- Impact: 150 Residents (Children and Don Bosco Staff)
- PV Installation: 120 panels, (39,6 kWp),
- Social Impact: Education, health, and empowerment
- Project Situation: In full operation
The panels have been fixed to concrete footings mounted on the ground so as not to compromise the integrity of the buildings. In addition, this facilitates the cleaning and maintenance of the panels. Likewise, the electrical distribution between the buildings has been performed.
The commissioning of the installation was performed in November of 2020 after delays caused by the COVID-19 situation. The Fambul compound does not have access to the electrical grid.
This project is the extension of the Fambul I project performed at the end of 2018.
We advise you to watch the video LOVE in the link below, to understand the enormous work carried out by the Salesians in Freetown and the importance of this solar installation.