Health and maternity centre San Fidele
- Total Investment: 12.000 €
The health centre, maternity home and school of San Fidele in the village of Kindu-Mowa is located 135 km from Kinshasa in the Kisangulu territory, Central province of D.R.Congo. The health and education mission is run by the Diocese of Kisantu. This area of the country has no access to the electricity grid, no asphalted roads, and no water distribution/sanitation.
To reach this village you have to travel 4 hours on a dirt road, and during the rainy season the road is almost impassable, isolating this community. The arrival of energy to the community will facilitate its development.
- NGO: Diocese of Kisantu, RDC
- Service: Light and power supply 24/7
- Impact: Patients, 400 students, faculty and nurses and their families
- PV Installation: 18 panels, (6,1 kWp)
- Social Impact: Health and education
The lack of electricity prevented the proper functioning and service of the health and maternity centre as well as the primary and secondary school. Thanks to the installed solar plant, the health and maternity centre, primary and secondary school, teachers' and nurses' houses, and the community of the diocese have electricity and light 24/7.
We want to thank Zabalegui Dental Clinic and its medical director, Ion Zabalegui, for donating the necessary funds for this project.