Pelende Center

The Pelende Center is located in the Kwango province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is located in a rural setting that lacks large infrastructures which makes development of the area very difficult. The region does not have access to the electricity grid and the supply of fuel for the generator set is very difficult and expensive due to the complicated logistics involved. For this reason, the Jesuits who manage the center asked EKI for a solar installation to have a reliable and economical electricity supply. The solar installation gives light to the Jesuit community, church, water pump, and rooms that are used for training sessions, cultural activities, and meetings. This center is dependent on the parish of Notre-Dame/Pelende, in the diocese of Popokabaka.
- NGO: Paroisse Notre-Dame/Pelende
- Service: Light and electricity 24/7
- Impact: access to electricity for the center
- PV Instalation: 12 panels (5.46 kWp) and lithium batteries (15.4 kWh)
- Social Impact: improvement of the center's activity
The execution of this project has been possible thanks to the extraordinary effort of Father F. Prado, a Jesuit originally from Guatemala who has been dedicated to accompanying and serving these communities for more than 50 years.