Health and Maternity Center, L´Arbe de Vie, D.R. Congo

  • Total Investment: 12.700 €
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In collaboration with the Benedictine Monastery of Mambre, and with the help of Father Clement, we have provided back-up power with solar energy for the new Health and Maternity Center that the Benedictine Sisters have on the outskirts of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The solar installation will offer a reliable backup energy source during the frequent power outages (blackouts) of the grid.



  • NGO: Benedictine Monastery of L´Arbe de Vie (ADIM)
  • Service: Light, 24/7 electrical supply and water supply
  • Impact: 5000 patients & 300 mothers attended a year (expected)
  • PV Installation: 18 paneles, (5,49 kWp)
  • Social Impact: Sanitary improvement, quality of care, and water supply for the community
  • Project Situation: In operation



In this humble neighborhood many people live in extreme poverty, without access to reliable drinking water or sanitation. The Center provides medical assistance as well as a pharmacy. But they lacked a stable power supply, so a reliable source of energy is needed for the medical instruments and lighting especially during nocturnal births, and to keep blood, medicines and vaccines refrigerated during the frequent and prolonged power outages.

The solar installation also provides back-up power to the water pump that the center has, that the local population of the community use, and also to the house of the sisters that is in the same compound.

The sisters manage the health and maternity center and also provide land so that the local population can cultivate crops and have a source of food and income. The center also has a small grain and cereal mill.