St. Benedict Menni Rehabilitation Center

The St. Benedict Menni rehabilitation center in Monrovia (Liberia) is managed by the Sisters Hospitallers. Closed in 2014 due to the Ebola outbreak, with the help of the Aita Menni Hospital in Mondragon (with whom it is twinned) it has returned to activity and has developed a mental health care program.

The center has a clinic where deliveries are attended, vaccinations and laboratory tests are carried out, and health care is provided to the population. It also has a mental health center where treatment and social reintegration of patients is provided.



  • NGO: Hospitalier Sisters
  • Service: Electricity and power supply 24/7
  • Impact: 1000 patients, 100 mothers
  • PV Installation: 72 panels (20.52 kWp) and lithium batteries (55.2 kWh)
  • Social Impact: improvement in healthcare quality



This project comes to EKI through the organization Aita Menni de Gipuzkoa, by the hand of Mikel Tellaeche.

EKI replaced the old lead batteries with new lithium batteries and replaced the solar panels that had been damaged due to an electrical storm. The execution of the works was carried out successfully by the teachers and students of the solar program of the Don Bosco 8th Technical High School in Monrovia Liberia. EKI also supports this solar technical training program since 2021.