St. Joseph's School for the Hearing Impaired
St. Joseph's School for the Hearing Impaired is a center located in Makeni, a city in northern Sierra Leone. This center has 235 deaf students from all over the country, with 100 boarding students. At St. Joseph's they are taught lip-reading and sign language.
The center has 17 classrooms, a computer room and an audiology room, as well as the necessary facilities for the boarding students such as a kitchen, refrigerators....
In these circumstances, reliable access to the power grid is essential for the center's activities, as classes cannot be held without adequate lighting, and items such as computers and refrigerators become unusable. However, the grid in the area is highly unstable, providing the center with less than 10 hours of electricity per week.
- NGO: St. Joseph's School for the Hearing Impaired
- Service: Light and electricity 24/7
- Impact: Improved care for students and boarders
- PV Instalation: 48 panels (23.76 kWp) and lithium batteries (46.2 kWh)
- Social Impact: Improved quality of education for the hearing impaired
EKI Foundation visited the center in 2020, when the power grid was relatively stable; during the pandemic, the problems of access to electricity worsened, with major outages, so in 2022 it was decided to send a complete installation to ensure the proper functioning of the center.