Home of Compassion, D.R. Congo

  • Total Investment: 8.600€
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In collaboration with Project Ditunga, the Home of Compassion  where currently 45 orphans reside, has been electrified with solar energy. The Home is located in the rural city of Ngandanjika, East Kasai Province, in the south-central part of the R.D. Congo. The solar installation gives light to the orphanage, and provide electricity for other needs such as the refigerator, etc. The Home of Compassion and the town do not have access to the electrical grid.

The installation has been carried out locally with the remote supervision of the EKI Foundation. In early march 2020, EKI personnel visited the installation and verified that the installation and operation was correct.


  • Service: Light and 24/7 electrical supply
  • Impact: 45 Orphans & 3 Sisters care givers
  • FV Installation: 15 panels (4,05 kWp)
  • Social Impact : Improvement in living conditions
  • Project Situation: in operation



Thanks to the help of the Diocese of Huelva and the Brotherhood Matriz del Rocío, this Home has: a 6-room building for the nuns and the children between 0 and 6 years old; a building with 11 rooms for the boys; an 11-room building for the girls; a building with a dining room, a warehouse and a kitchen; a block of latrines and showers for the boys and another block of latrines and showers for the girls.

In the past, the Home had a small solar system that did not meet their electrical needs, so they often used candles and children could not study at night. Throughout the Ngandanjika area, there is no public electricity supply service.