Children's Residence and Center, D.R. Congo

- Total Investment: 12.700€
In collaboration with the Benedictine Monastery of Mambre, and with the help of Father Clement, we have provided a back up solar power system for the residence and center for children with intellectual disabilities that the Missionaries of Charity have in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The solar installation offers a reliable backup energy source during the frequent power outages (blackouts) of the electrical grid.
- NGO; Benedictine Monastery of Mambre (ADIM)
- Service: Light, 24/7 electrical supply
- Impact: 80 resident children & 4 sisters
- PV Installation: 18 paneles (5,5 kWp), 24 Bateries (750 Ah), Inverters 9 kVA
- Social Impact : Quality of care
- Project Situation: In operation
The frequent power cuts make the daily operations of the center very difficult, especially considering that many of these children were abandoned and come from very vulnerable background situations. The solar installation offers a reliable and safe source of light and energy for refigerating food, etc.
The installation was performed by local personnel managed by the center and trained by EKI personnel on-site.