Baiwala School, Sierra Leone
The Richard Ormsby Secondary School is a quality school in the middle of the jungle, in Baiwala-Kailahun. It is supported by the Methodist Church of Minnesota and its students pay no tuition, but are required to perform at a high level. This school provides leadership and equal opportunities for young people in a remote area, where education is often much poorer than in larger cities.
- NGO: Minnesota Methodist Church
- Service: Electricity and power supply 24/7
- Impact: high school students
- PV Installation: 36 panels (19.44 kW)
- Social impact: Improvement of education quality
The school is off-grid. It is equipped with a large computer room that could not be used due to the lack of electricity, as the generator could only be used for two hours a day.
EKI has equipped the school with a powerful solar installation that supplies 24/7 electricity to the school and a couple of adjacent buildings.