Atupele Hospital, Malawi

- Total Investment: 12.000 €
The Atupele Community Hospital, which is located in the village of Katumbi in Malawi, currently covers 29 villages with a total population of 24,700 inhabitants and is managed and run by the Rosarian Sisters. The Rural Hospital of Atupele opened its doors in 2008 to serve a community that was in great need of health services in the area. The NGO África Directo built the hospital with the help of various donors.
The electricity network of Malawi is chaotic and suffers constant power cuts, sometimes very prolonged, which makes the development of the daily activity of the hospital very difficult. The EKI Foundation together with the NGO AFRICA DIRECTO has installed a photovoltaic solar system to provide a reliable, clean and economical electrical backup, which provides 24/7 electricity, thus avoiding starting the old and polluting generator that consumed a lot of economic resources in fuel and maintenance, and could barely work for a few hours. The solar installation also reduces the hospital electric bill. We aprreciate the collaboration of the sevillan NGO LLAMARADA DE FUEGO, that sent all the materials from Spain to Malawi.
- NGO: Africa Directo
- Service: Light and 24/7 electrical supply
- Impact: 13.400 patients per year
- PV Installation: 36 panels (9,9 kW), lithium batteries (27.8 kWh)
- Social Impact: Improvement in hospital service and quality
- Project Situation: In operation
It is a Catholic hospital, non-governmental, and is under the supervision of CHAM (Christian Health Association of Malawi). This Catholic association has a network of hospitals, rural hospitals and health centers distributed throughout the country. They provide health services without distinction of race, sex or religion. They also coordinate and facilitate technical assistance as well as promote the development of communities through quality health care. Belonging to CHAM also means that salaries of qualified health personnel are assumed by them.
Over the years the hospital has been earning, with its good work, the trust of the health authorities of Malawi. Thus, the services of ante-natal consultations and maternity services are free since the government assumes the expenses.